See the Theobald Extractors Version History and the Xtract Kernel Version History for changes related to core extraction logic.

We recommend to check for updates at least every three months. If there is at least one newer release available with medium or high update priority, please download the latest version from the customer portal and deploy it to your test environment.

Definition of Version Numbers #

Format: A.B.C [X]

  • A is incremented with major changes. Additional steps might be necessary when upgrading to this version.
  • B is incremented when an important feature is added, modified, or removed.
  • C is incremented when a bug is fixed, or a small feature is added, modified, or removed.
  • [X] defines the recommended priority for updating:
    • H - High: Install immediately.
    • M - Medium: Install within your usual update interval.
    • L - Low: Install only if advised by the support team.
Version Date Component Description
7.7.5 [L] 2024-07-11 DeltaQ Fixed legacy selections with variables. Fixed the serialization of a property that could get duplicated in the package file.
7.7.4 [L] 2024-06-25 General Fixed a bug that caused errors when using variables with same names but different scopes
7.7.3 [L] 2024-06-25 ODP Fixed a regression bug where ODP preview would fail for hierarchy DataSources.
7.7.2 [L] 2024-06-18 General Fixed a bug where most of the extractor windows were unusable due to a wrong version number in a required assembly.
7.7.0 [L] 2024-06-03 BAPI Output result values can now be assigned to SSIS Variables
7.6.2 [L] 2024-05-29 DeltaQ Fixed legacy field length reading for systems that have changed between non-Unicode and Unicode
7.6.1 [L] 2024-05-17 BAPI Remove deselected exports from output
7.6.0 [L] 2024-05-17 TableCDC Released Monitoring Feature for Log Tables and Triggers. Update of /THEO/CDC* package required.
7.5.1 [L] 2024-05-14 ODP Fixed metadata and data retrieval for DF16_DEC and DF34_DEC
7.5.0 [M] 2024-05-06 General Use new parameter system
7.4.15 [L] 2024-04-08 DeltaQ Fixed a bug to read variables on check and activation operations - introduced in 7.4.3
7.4.14 [L] 2024-03-19 General Fixed an issue that caused errors while loading dependencies on SQL Server instances
7.4.13 [L] 2024-01-29 DeltaQ Fixed a bug introduced in version 7.4.10, which crashed VS on new extraction creation.
7.4.12 [L] 2024-01-15 TableCDC Fixed a bug that prevented the extractor from being notified about successful processing of result table
7.4.11 [L] 2024-01-11 Setup Fixed a bug that caused XtractExtensions.xml file to not get updated during setup
7.4.10 [M] 2024-01-11 DeltaQ Fixed a date conversion bug on DeltaQ
7.4.9 [L] 2023-12-29 DeltaQ Fixed parametrization of request id
7.4.8 [L] 2023-12-15 DeltaQ Fixed date conversion handling for DeltaQ
7.4.7 [L] 2023-11-30 DeltaQ Changed DeltaQ legacy reader to skip selection filters without corresponding field
7.4.6 [L] 2023-11-13 BAPI Fixed a bug that caused errors while converting old tasks (created in versions earlier than 6.10.0) that assigned a single variable to multiple parameters
7.4.5 [M] 2023-11-06 DeltaQ Fixed legacy update mode variable
7.4.4 [L] 2023-11-02 License Manager Removed UninstallDllLicense.bat
7.4.3 [L] 2023-11-02 DeltaQ Replaced the XtractKernel.DeltaQ component with Theobald.Extractors.DeltaQ
7.4.2 [L] 2023-11-02 Query Fixed a bug where data was not converted to XIS data types.
7.4.1 [L] 2023-10-25 Table Fixed crashes occurring when running table extractions in parallel.
7.4.0 [L] 2023-10-09 Query New Query Extractor
7.3.0 [M] 2023-09-05 TableCDC Added Table CDC component
7.2.2 [L] 2023-08-31 General Added additional check in the setup for process DTExec
7.2.1 [L] 2023-08-10 Setup Improved wording in setup dialog when SSIS server seems to be currently busy
7.2.0 [L] 2023-08-02 Hierarchy New Hierarchy Extractor - POSSIBLE BREAKING CHANGES for Hierarchy extractions(Release note)
7.1.6 [L] 2023-06-12 General Fixed a bug that caused the connection manager to not be saved when multiple XTRACT connection managers exist
7.1.5 [L] 2023-04-17 BAPI Connection managers can now be changed using the tool editor GUI
7.1.4 [L] 2023-03-31 Setup Setup now checks if there are any running processes and offers option to abort setup.
7.1.3 [L] 2023-03-07 BW Cube Fixed a bug where Cube extractions might fail because of a FormatException.
7.1.2 [L] 2023-03-06 General New EULA
7.1.1 [L] 2023-02-07 Table Exposed table background job parameter as a custom property.
7.1.0 [L] 2023-01-16 General Added Support for SQL Server 2022 (no support yet for Visual Studio 2022)
7.0.4 [L] 2022-11-15 General Changed default RFC library to NetWeaver
7.0.3 [L] 2022-09-26 Table added support for function modules /BODS/RFC_STREAM_READ_TABLE and /SAPDS/RFC_STREAM_READ_TABLE
7.0.2 [H] 2022-08-04 BAPI Fix for structures with includes, please refresh metadata
7.0.1 [L] 2022-07-12 BAPI Fixed an issue that caused the component to get stuck when using pipeline inputs inside of loops
7.0.0 [M] 2022-07-08 General Removed support for SQL Server 2012
6.14.2 [M] 2022-07-07 BAPI Fixed problems that caused extractions to fail after upgrading from versions before 6.10.0
6.14.1 [M] 2022-06-23 General Fixed a bug that caused “method not found” errors when editing components
6.14.0 [L] 2022-06-08 General Removed support for legacy DLL licenses
6.13.1 [M] 2022-06-02 BAPI Fixed several issues related to the conversion of legacy BAPI tables
6.13.0 [L] 2022-04-25 Table Added graphical where clause editor.
6.12.1 [M] 2022-04-11 BAPI Fixed an issue where the component could not be edited when there are variables/parameters of type DateTime defined in the package
6.12.0 [M] 2022-04-11 BAPI Fixed two issues related to parameterization when upgrading from versions before 6.10.0(Release note)
6.11.1 [M] 2022-04-01 BAPI Fixed a bug where some BAPI settings might not be converted correctly when updating from versions prior to 6.10.0
6.11.0 [M] 2022-03-31 Table Join Removed deprecated TableJoin component (JOINS are still supported by the Table component)
6.10.3 [L] 2022-03-28 General About window was refactored
6.10.2 [L] 2022-03-25 General Added upload check script in order to confirm if the setup file has the expected version
6.10.1 [L] 2022-03-16 BAPI Fixed an issue where runtime parameters inside of table rows were not applied correctly (Bug introduced in 6.10.0)
6.10.0 [M] 2022-02-17 BAPI Reworked BAPI component
6.9.4 [M] 2022-01-18 General Support for DLL licenses will be removed in June 2022. Please download your JSON licenses from
6.9.3 [L] 2021-12-01 General Removed French translation
6.9.2 [L] 2021-11-09 Table Join TableJoin will be removed March 2022
6.9.1 [L] 2021-11-08 Report Report component: multiple fixes.(Release note)
6.8.0 [M] 2021-09-07 Report Reworked the report component.
6.7.6 [L] 2021-09-01 General Updated license check.
6.7.5 [L] 2021-04-27 ODP Added package size setting as component property
6.7.4 [L] 2021-04-27 General Fixed an issue that caused failed license checks in some Azure IR environments.
6.7.3 [L] 2021-04-14 ODP Fixed a bug that caused the selected hierarchy to be reset (Bug introduced in 6.7.2)
6.7.2 [L] 2021-04-06 ODP Added HierarchyName property to allow parameterization
6.7.1 [L] 2021-03-31 General Update license check.
6.7.0 [M] 2021-03-16 OHS Added conversion for date and time
6.6.1 [L] 2021-03-15 OHS Adjustments for window size
6.6.0 [M] 2021-03-10 OHS New OHS component (with Table extraction mode and support for BW/4HANA 2.0)
6.5.13 [L] 2021-01-28 General Fix for instance number check on connection manager window, which was not allowing the value 98 for this property
6.5.12 [L] 2020-11-09 Table WHERE clause property of legacy extractions can be modified now
6.5.11 [L] 2020-10-24 General Connection Manager: Various GUI fixes for legacy storage mode
6.5.10 [L] 2020-10-13 Setup Components are now defined in a custom file (XtractExtensions.xml) instead of the default file (Extensions.xml)
6.5.9 [L] 2020-10-12 License Manager Various GUI fixes
6.5.8 [M] 2020-10-12 Table New/removed/renamed columns are now properly updated in GUI during metadata refresh
6.5.7 [M] 2020-10-06 ODP Added ‘ExtractDataOnDeltaInit’ property
6.5.6 [L] 2020-09-24 General Fix for Theobald.Extractors tab displaying wrong entries in Version History window
6.5.5 [L] 2020-09-22 Setup Removed –silent argument; Renamed –no-gui argument to –unattended
6.5.4 [L] 2020-09-11 General New about window
6.5.3 [L] 2020-09-07 ODP Added ‘subscription suffix’ property
6.5.2 [M] 2020-08-13 Setup Fixed the installation for 64 bit SQL Server versions (Bug introduced in 6.5.0)
6.5.1 [L] 2020-08-10 General Windows’ titles standardization
6.5.0 [L] 2020-07-09 Setup New Setup(Release note)
6.4.2 [L] 2020-05-20 General License forward compatibility improvement for supported components.
6.4.1 [L] 2020-05-14 OHS Main window is resizable now.
6.4.0 [L] 2020-05-14 OHS Removed preview button
6.3.4 [L] 2020-04-17 Table Backward compatibilty fix: Compression function module was ignored in old packages, that had only “Use Compression” enabled, but not “Use custom function”
6.3.3 [L] 2020-03-17 BW Cube Fix for auto slicing MDX syntax on older SAP BW systems.
6.3.2 [L] 2020-02-21 Report Increased max. top/bottom row skip to 9999
6.3.1 [M] 2020-02-05 General Fixes for showing error messages while retrieving available Table function modules (e. g. missing authorizations for ENLFDIR)
6.3.0 [M] 2020-02-04 General Updated to .NET Framework 4.7.2
6.2.0 [M] 2020-01-27 General Added support for VS2019
6.1.4 [M] 2020-01-11 DeltaQ Fix for saving Hierarchy Class & Language (bug introduced in 6.1.0)
6.1.3 [L] 2020-01-09 BINotificationServer Fix for wrong “no OHS destination found” log entries
6.1.2 [L] 2020-01-09 BINotificationServer Fix for processing OHS notifications
6.1.1 [M] 2019-12-19 DeltaQ Fix for editing DeltaQ component after adding (bug introduced in 6.1.0)
6.1.0 [M] 2019-12-11 DeltaQ Added support for expression properties
6.0.0 [M] 2019-12-05 General Support for SQLServer 2019
5.4.0 [L] 2019-12-04 Table Added UsesWideStrings property & backward-compatibility for StringConversion
5.3.24 [M] 2019-12-03 ODP Several fixes (Bugs introduced in note)
5.3.23 [L] 2019-11-27 Setup Added XtractISVersionInfo.exe
5.3.22 [M] 2019-11-26 Setup Another fix for overwriting old versions (bug introduced in 5.3.14)
5.3.21 [L] 2019-11-22 Setup Installer removes some unnecessary files of old XIS versions
5.3.20 [L] 2019-11-20 Setup Removed “Convert Date to Int”
5.3.19 [M] 2019-11-20 Setup Another fix for overwriting existing versions of Xtract IS (bug introduced in 5.3.14)
5.3.18 [M] 2019-11-15 Setup Fix for overwriting existing versions of Xtract IS
5.3.17 [M] 2019-11-15 ODP Fixed a bug that prevented new ODP components from being added (Bug introduced in 5.3.15)
5.3.16 [L] 2019-11-14 Setup Improvement for installing script
5.3.15 [L] 2019-11-12 ODP Fixed a bug that caused the update mode to reset to Full when updating from versions before 5.1.0
5.3.14 [L] 2019-11-12 General SSIS log contains version of Theobald.Extractors, version numbers are logged in output of InstallXtractIS
5.3.13 [L] 2019-11-12 DeltaQ More fixes for String Conversion to VARCHAR
5.3.12 [M] 2019-11-07 Table Fixed several issues with date conversion and legacy behavior(Release note)
5.3.11 [L] 2019-11-06 Setup Improvements for the uninstalling script
5.3.10 [L] 2019-11-04 ODP Selections can now be parameterized
5.3.9 [L] 2019-10-29 DeltaQ Fix for String Conversion to VARCHAR
5.3.8 [M] 2019-10-23 Table Several fixes and improvements(Release note)
5.3.7 [M] 2019-10-08 Table Fix for MaxRows & PackageSize properties (bug introduced in 5.3.0)
5.3.6 [L] 2019-10-07 BW Loader Main form is now resizable
5.3.5 [L] 2019-10-07 BW Loader Fix for uploading hierarchies to 7.X data sources
5.3.4 [M] 2019-10-02 General Fix for old extractions with conversion routines enabled
5.3.3 [M] 2019-09-25 Table Fixed a bug that caused recent changes to the where clause to be ignored in the editor preview
5.3.2 [M] 2019-09-20 Table Backward-compatibility fixes for packages from before XIS 5.0
5.3.1 [L] 2019-09-11 BINotificationServer Fixed installation of BINotificationService
5.3.0 [M] 2019-09-09 Table Added support for property expressions / parameterization, backward-compatibility fixes(Release note)
5.2.6 [M] 2019-08-30 Table Fixed a bug that caused “Conversion Routines” to be disabled when editing table components that previously had this setting enabled
5.2.5 [M] 2019-08-20 General Version history dialog now also shows Theobald.Extractors history
5.2.4 [M] 2019-08-15 Setup Fixed a bug that caused packages containing ODP components to fail after upgrading to 5.x without previously uninstalling the older version
5.2.3 [L] 2019-08-14 BINotificationServer BI Notification Server now supports to answer the calls of BAPI_DSOURCE_IS_SUPPORTED correctly which is necessary to setup external systems on newer BW instances.
5.2.2 [L] 2019-08-12 Report Fix for missing resources in SQL Server 2012
5.2.1 [M] 2019-08-12 Table Join Table Join component is now deprecated. Please use the Table component for joining tables
5.2.0 [M] 2019-08-07 General Added support for INT8
5.1.0 [M] 2019-08-02 ODP Added recovery mode(Release note)
5.0.8 [L] 2019-07-30 General ODP and Table GUI: Adjusted minimum size of windows to fit smaller resolutions
5.0.7 [M] 2019-07-23 General Updated NW RFC to 7.50 PL 4
5.0.6 [M] 2019-07-23 Table Fixed issues related to legacy table extraction function modules when editing table components(Release note)
5.0.5 [L] 2019-07-22 Table Fixed a bug that caused the preview to fail when SSIS parameters were used in the where clause
5.0.4 [M] 2019-07-16 Table Added property to choose from various column name styles
5.0.3 [L] 2019-07-15 Setup Removed .NET version check from InstallXtractIS.exe (already checked by setup)
5.0.2 [M] 2019-07-15 General Fixed app.config files
5.0.1 [H] 2019-07-05 ODP Fixed a bug that caused extractions to fail and possible data loss in the SSIS pipeline (only affects the ODP component)
5.0.0 [M] 2019-07-01 General This release contains general changes, changes to the existing Table component as well as a new ODP component.(Release note)
4.13.3 [L] 2019-06-17 Table Fix for custom function module usage after upgrading from 2.x
4.13.2 [M] 2019-05-16 Table Updated Z_THEO_READ_TABLE to 1.11
4.13.1 [L] 2019-05-08 General Using MSBuild 16
4.13.0 [L] 2019-04-23 Setup Added support for SQL Server Management Studio Deployment Wizard 2017
4.12.16 [M] 2019-04-03 General Fix for connection manager related to parallelization
4.12.15 [L] 2019-03-15 Table Join Fix for upgrading Table Join components to newer SQL Server target
4.12.14 [L] 2019-02-20 Table Fix for updating old packages containing DT_I8 fields to Z_THEO_READ_TABLE
4.12.13 [M] 2019-02-18 Table Updated Z_THEO_READ_TABLE to 1.10
4.12.12 [M] 2019-02-14 General Extraction is aborted if errors occur during package processing
4.12.11 [L] 2019-02-14 Table Fix for updating old packages containing DT_DATE and DECIMAL fields to Z_THEO_READ_TABLE
4.12.10 [M] 2019-02-13 Table Reverted back to Z_THEO_READ_TABLE 1.9
4.12.9 [M] 2019-02-13 Table Updated Z_THEO_READ_TABLE to 1.10
4.12.8 [M] 2019-02-08 Table Updated Z_THEO_READ_TABLE to 1.9
4.12.7 [M] 2019-02-07 Table Updated Z_THEO_READ_TABLE to 1.7
4.12.6 [M] 2019-02-04 Table Fix for wide columns (> 2000 bytes)
4.12.5 [L] 2019-02-04 DeltaQ Date 00000000 can be replaced with custom defined values now
4.12.4 [L] 2019-02-04 DeltaQ Request ID variable is also updated in case of failure
4.12.3 [M] 2019-01-28 Table Updated Z_THEO_READ_TABLE to 1.6
4.12.2 [M] 2019-01-25 Table Updated Z_THEO_READ_TABLE to 1.5
4.12.1 [M] 2019-01-23 Table Updated Z_THEO_READ_TABLE to 1.4
4.12.0 [L] 2019-01-22 Table Added ABAP code + transport request for Z_THEO_READ_TABLE, removed old ABAP files(Release note)
4.11.5 [L] 2019-01-18 Table Fix for data types when using Z_THEO_READ_TABLE
4.11.4 [M] 2019-01-16 Report Fix for empty column descriptions
4.11.3 [M] 2018-12-20 BAPI Fix for table types in import parameters
4.11.2 [L] 2018-11-27 Report Backward-compatibility fix (components created in older versions could not be edited)
4.11.1 [M] 2018-11-26 General Fixed links of question mark icons
4.11.0 [L] 2018-11-19 General Licensed server is ignored in VS runtime now, instead of client OS
4.10.2 [L] 2018-11-19 Setup Uninstaller removes license now
4.10.1 [L] 2018-11-16 Setup Fix for silent uninstall
4.10.0 [L] 2018-11-14 General Added support for Azure Integration Runtime licenses
4.9.10 [L] 2018-11-08 General Fix for license check
4.9.9 [L] 2018-11-07 General Added “Internal Table Function” to connection manager additions
4.9.8 [M] 2018-11-07 General Added error messages when using connection manager properties in legacy storage mode
4.9.7 [L] 2018-11-02 General Fixes & improvements for RFC library loading error messages
4.9.6 [L] 2018-10-11 General Fix for transport request with certain SAP releases
4.9.5 [L] 2018-10-08 DeltaQ Fixed a bug that prevented required libraries from being loaded
4.9.4 [L] 2018-10-08 Table Added auto detection of compression function modules
4.9.3 [L] 2018-10-02 Table Added support for RFC_READ_TABLE2 function modules
4.9.2 [L] 2018-09-24 General Added InternalTableFunction property to ConnectionManager
4.9.1 [L] 2018-09-11 General Updated NWRFC libraries to 7.50, Libraries are no longer loaded from system directories
4.9.0 [L] 2018-08-31 Hierarchy Added support for natural / flattened hierarchy representation
4.8.6 [L] 2018-08-30 General Updated NWRFC libraries to 720 patchlevel 49
4.8.5 [L] 2018-08-10 Setup InstallXtractIS.exe - fix for low resolutions / large console fonts
4.8.4 [L] 2018-08-09 DeltaQ Removed Z_XTRACT_DELTAQ_CUST from transport request, because of problems with missing data types
4.8.3 [M] 2018-08-03 General Fixed help links (question mark button)
4.8.2 [M] 2018-07-30 Report Fix for report width setting
4.8.1 [L] 2018-07-25 General Connection manager properties: added expert option to attach SAPGUI
4.8.0 [M] 2018-07-24 General Added support for non-Unicode multibyte systems (Asian characters), removed legacy Table features (background extraction, primary key packaging, multibyte flag)
4.7.5 [L] 2018-07-17 Report Updated the function module for report extracting
4.7.4 [M] 2018-06-20 DeltaQ Fix for NullReferenceException at DeltaQ_NewLogEntry
4.7.3 [L] 2018-05-30 BAPI Fix for RAW columns in exports
4.7.2 [M] 2018-05-14 Table Fix for type & length of SSTRING columns
4.7.1 [L] 2018-04-23 BINotificationServer Fixes & improvements
4.7.0 [L] 2018-04-23 BW Loader Fix for uploading records with more than 250 characters to a 7.x datasource
4.6.1 [L] 2018-04-17 General Updated EULA
4.6.0 [M] 2018-04-11 BINotificationServer Improved restart, added support for Unicode, NWRFC, trace
4.5.0 [M] 2018-04-03 BW Loader Added support for 7.x data sources
4.4.8 [L] 2018-03-27 DeltaQ Fix for GUI
4.4.7 [M] 2018-03-12 BAPI Fixes & improvements
4.4.6 [M] 2018-03-06 BAPI Fix for input pipeline
4.4.5 [L] 2018-03-06 BW Cube Fixed an error in BWCube column order handling when using measure structures.
4.4.4 [L] 2018-02-26 Table Re-enabled OrderBy property (backward-compatibility)
4.4.3 [L] 2018-02-21 Table Removed UseCustomFunction property
4.4.2 [L] 2018-02-20 Table Columns of type RAW now use the correct code page
4.4.1 [L] 2018-02-16 Table Fixed a bug with the length of columns of type RAW
4.4.0 [M] 2018-02-14 General Fixes & improvements for opening/closing connections
4.3.0 [M] 2018-02-13 General Convert date 00000000 to NULL, if conversion is enabled (Table & DeltaQ)
4.2.5 [L] 2018-02-09 DeltaQ Hierarchy metadata retrieval: Fix for date selection
4.2.4 [M] 2018-02-07 Setup Workaround for VS2017 / SQLServer 2017 conflict
4.2.3 [L] 2018-02-07 Setup Updated VS2017 Configuration SDK to 1.16.30
4.2.2 [M] 2018-01-27 DeltaQ Fixed timestamp & rows count in log output
4.2.1 [M] 2018-01-16 Setup Another fix for detecting VS2017 instances
4.2.0 [L] 2018-01-15 BW Cube Fixed a bug where SSIS variables weren’t working for BW Cube in MDX mode
4.1.23 [M] 2018-01-15 Setup Fix for VS2017
4.1.22 [L] 2018-01-11 DeltaQ Backward-compatibility for broken data types in hierarchy extractions
4.1.21 [M] 2018-01-11 Setup Fixes for VS2017 with SQLServer 2017
4.1.20 [L] 2017-12-13 Table Fix for GUI scaling
4.1.19 [M] 2017-12-11 DeltaQ Fix for DATS columns when switchting on data type conversion (bug introduced in 3.3.8)
4.1.18 [L] 2017-11-30 General Fixes for GUI scaling
4.1.17 [L] 2017-11-30 General Updated transport for Z_XTRACT_IS_TABLE_JOIN
4.1.16 [M] 2017-11-28 General Improved error dialogs
4.1.15 [M] 2017-11-22 General Fix for empty description texts
4.1.14 [L] 2017-11-20 Table Join Adjustments in Z_XTRACT_IS_TABLE_JOIN function.
4.1.13 [M] 2017-11-13 DeltaQ Fix for hierarchy column selection
4.1.12 [L] 2017-11-13 DeltaQ Fix for running DeltaQ in a loop container
4.1.10 [L] 2017-11-09 DeltaQ Improvements for Log Output
4.1.9 [L] 2017-11-07 Table Fix for column lengths (e. g. DD08L-CARDLEFT)
4.1.8 [L] 2017-11-03 Table Fix for “Convert Strings To VarChar”
4.1.7 [L] 2017-11-03 DeltaQ Fix for “Convert Strings To VarChar”
4.1.6 [L] 2017-11-03 Table Fix for preview (max rows)
4.1.5 [L] 2017-11-03 Query Fix for preview (max rows, connection closed)
4.1.4 [L] 2017-11-03 OHS Fix for preview (connection closed)
4.1.3 [L] 2017-11-03 BW Cube Fix for preview (connection closed)
4.1.2 [M] 2017-11-03 Hierarchy Fix for preview
4.1.1 [M] 2017-11-03 DeltaQ Added default replacement for invalid dates
4.1.0 [M] 2017-11-03 General Adjustments for Xtract Kernel 3.0
4.0.16 [L] 2017-10-30 DeltaQ Fixes & improvements for truncating values & warnings
4.0.15 [L] 2017-10-19 DeltaQ Replaced more error messages with warnings for truncated values
4.0.14 [L] 2017-10-19 DeltaQ Fix for request Id variable
4.0.13 [M] 2017-10-19 DeltaQ Fix for log message text in log output
4.0.12 [L] 2017-10-18 Setup Uninstaller removes assembly files from DTS directory now
4.0.11 [L] 2017-10-18 DeltaQ Fix for data types of RowCounter and DataPackageID if data type conversion is disabled
4.0.10 [L] 2017-10-18 General Truncated values lead to warnings instead of errors
4.0.9 [M] 2017-10-17 DeltaQ Fix for missing error messages in log output
4.0.8 [M] 2017-10-17 Report Fixed a bug that caused an error when adding a report source.
4.0.7 [M] 2017-10-05 General Fixes for saving changes in BWCube, Hierarchy, OHS and Report
4.0.6 [M] 2017-10-05 DeltaQ Fix for variable OLTP source name
4.0.5 [M] 2017-10-02 DeltaQ Fix for field lengths (automatic data conversion disabled)
4.0.4 [M] 2017-10-02 DeltaQ Fix for automatic type conversion
4.0.3 [M] 2017-10-02 DeltaQ Fix for long error messages in log output
4.0.2 [M] 2017-09-28 DeltaQ Fix for request maintenance when logical system uses variable
4.0.1 [L] 2017-09-26 Report Fix for width/multiline
4.0.0 [M] 2017-09-26 General Support for SQLServer 2017, multi-targeting, connection properties
3.4.17 [L] 2017-09-14 BW Loader Fix for GUI
3.4.16 [L] 2017-08-31 General Improved error message
3.4.15 [L] 2017-08-11 General License: Added support for FQDN
3.4.14 [L] 2017-08-04 General Updated ABAP code & transports
3.4.13 [L] 2017-08-04 DeltaQ Fix for switching between non-Unicode and Unicode systems
3.4.12 [L] 2017-08-03 General License: Added support for server names longer than 15 bytes
3.4.11 [L] 2017-07-13 BW Loader Improved error messages
3.4.10 [M] 2017-07-07 General Fix for missing .NET 3.5
3.4.9 [L] 2017-07-07 License Manager Fix for installing old DLL licenses
3.4.8 [M] 2017-07-06 DeltaQ Enabled automatic synchronization by default
3.4.7 [L] 2017-07-05 General Fix for server license check in clusters
3.4.6 [L] 2017-07-04 General Improved error message for license server mismatch
3.4.5 [L] 2017-06-27 General Fix for some changes not being saved (bug introduced in 3.4.2)
3.4.4 [L] 2017-06-08 DeltaQ Fix for delta inits for 0UC* datasources.
3.4.3 [L] 2017-06-08 Table Fixed an error that caused packages with table sources in loops to fail.
3.4.2 [M] 2017-06-01 DeltaQ Fix for empty OLTP timestamps (occurred with some hierarchies)
3.4.1 [L] 2017-05-31 BW Cube Added setting “legacy metadata retrieval”
3.4.0 [M] 2017-05-17 Table Optimizations to increase table extraction speed.
3.3.8 [L] 2017-05-16 DeltaQ Backward-compatibility for DATS as strings with type conversion enabled (cMORE/Connect)
3.3.7 [L] 2017-05-11 BAPI Fix for editing report criteria in French
3.3.6 [M] 2017-05-09 Setup Fixes for detection of SSIS
3.3.5 [M] 2017-05-09 Table Z_XTRACT_IS_TABLE_COMPRESSION: Added support for decimal floats
3.3.4 [L] 2017-05-08 BW Loader Fix for Unicode detection
3.3.3 [L] 2017-05-04 Query Fix for editing criteria in French
3.3.2 [L] 2017-04-27 BW Loader Added support for Unicode RFC destinations
3.3.1 [L] 2017-04-26 DeltaQ Removed XISDispatcher service
3.3.0 [M] 2017-04-26 DeltaQ Added support for parallel SSIS packages on same RFC destination without XISDispatcher service. Changed format of request Ids.
3.2.9 [M] 2017-04-21 BW Cube Fixed filter variables
3.2.8 [L] 2017-04-18 Table Join Fixes for TableJoin data transfer
3.2.7 [L] 2017-04-18 DeltaQ Fix for unwanted serialization info in DeltaQ result tables.
3.2.6 [L] 2017-04-16 OHS ProcessChain and DestinationName in OHS component can now be set through SSIS variable
3.2.5 [L] 2017-04-11 DeltaQ Bug fix for DeltaQ column order.
3.2.4 [L] 2017-03-30 DeltaQ Fix for NullReferenceExcpetions that may have occured on editing some DeltaQ packages.
3.2.3 [L] 2017-03-23 OHS Fixed an error that sometimes caused an extraction to abort with error when extraction result has 0 rows and 0 packages
3.2.2 [L] 2017-03-23 Setup Updated .Net framework check in setup.
3.2.1 [L] 2017-03-23 BW Loader Added support for SNC RFC destination
3.2.0 [L] 2017-03-20 DeltaQ Fixes and improvements for DeltaQ dispatcher service
3.1.3 [L] 2017-03-17 DeltaQ Fix for update type A
3.1.2 [L] 2017-03-09 General Updated build tools to MSBuild 15.0
3.1.1 [M] 2017-03-02 DeltaQ Only entries with request id are sent to log output
3.1.0 [M] 2017-03-01 General Added French localization
3.0.4 [M] 2017-02-21 BW Cube Fix for BEX mode lookup (missing variables)
3.0.3 [L] 2017-02-10 General Column check boxes were not visible on some systems
3.0.2 [M] 2017-02-01 General Fixed SSIS icons
3.0.1 [M] 2017-02-01 General Fixed a bug in the ConnectionManager
3.0.0 [M] 2017-01-27 General Removed support for SSIS 2005, updated .NET Frameworks
2.16.1 [L] 2017-01-19 Setup Setup works now if .NET 4.0 or above is available but .NET 2.0/3.5 is not installed
2.16.0 [L] 2017-01-11 General Updated licensing to support json format.
2.15.3 [L] 2016-12-22 BW Cube Added detection of missing authorization for RFC_READ_TABLE
2.15.2 [M] 2016-12-20 BAPI Fix for table types in import parameters
2.15.1 [L] 2016-12-19 BW Cube Improved error handling for BW cube date conversion (during lookup)
2.15.0 [M] 2016-11-25 DeltaQ Resending errors is deprecated now
2.13.1 [L] 2016-11-03 Table Join Fixed an error that caused a wrong result string length, when the source value is a byte sequence.
2.13.0 [M] 2016-10-18 Setup Updated transport request
2.12.4 [L] 2016-10-18 DeltaQ Added update mode for activation only (‘A’)
2.12.3 [M] 2016-10-17 DeltaQ Fix for activation & update mode ‘V’
2.12.2 [L] 2016-10-08 General Added log entry for SAP application server / system number
2.12.1 [L] 2016-09-29 BW Cube CURR key figures respect backend decimal places setting now
2.12.0 [M] 2016-09-28 DeltaQ All hierarchies may be activated now
2.11.2 [L] 2016-09-01 DeltaQ Dispatcher Log upgraded
2.11.1 [L] 2016-08-25 Table Join Fix for non-existant column description texts that lead to a crash when pressing OK button
2.11.0 [L] 2016-08-15 Setup Added tool to cleanup the Gac
2.10.1 [M] 2016-08-12 Query Fix for “expected 0 columns”
2.10.0 [M] 2016-07-26 DeltaQ Fix for DeltaQ hierarchy datasources
2.9.0 [M] 2016-07-25 DeltaQ Fix for DeltaQ activation
2.8.4 [L] 2016-07-14 BW Cube OLAP: Fix for “expected 0 columns”
2.8.3 [M] 2016-07-04 BW Cube Fix for FormatException
2.8.1 [L] 2016-06-15 General Fix for SNC connections
2.8.0 [L] 2016-06-13 OHS Added support for SNC RFC destinations
2.7.0 [L] 2016-06-13 DeltaQ Added support for SNC RFC destinations
2.6.34 [L] 2016-05-09 Table Join Updated Join dialog logic
2.6.33 [L] 2016-05-06 General Replaced support client executable with download link
2.6.32 [L] 2016-05-03 Report Number of rows per data row increased from 3 to 4
2.6.31 [M] 2016-04-20 Conversion Preparer Added SQL Server 2016 to the Conversion Preparer
2.6.30 [L] 2016-04-11 DeltaQ Fix for CURR values that are extremely big (greater than a length of 13). These were truncated sometimes accidently.
2.6.29 [L] 2016-03-23 DeltaQ Correction in timestamp format in Request Log. New format is yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss:ff”
2.6.28 [L] 2016-03-15 DeltaQ Additional option for hierarchy extraction to collect all data before sending to avoid text loss
2.6.27 [L] 2016-02-24 BW Cube Fix: In BEX mode the name of the query got lost under certain circumstances.
2.6.26 [L] 2016-02-09 DeltaQ 0ORGUNIT_HIER can now be activated through GUI
2.6.25 [L] 2016-01-08 General SQL Server 2016 CTP 3.2 is supported
2.6.24 [L] 2015-12-21 Report Added functionality to look up report variants.
2.6.23 [L] 2015-12-08 DeltaQ Correction for length value for DEC data types. The length was calculated too short in some cases which lead to lost sign.
2.6.22 [L] 2015-12-07 BW Cube Fix for BW Query variables when using the BEX mode (variables got lost under certain circumstances)
2.6.21 [L] 2015-12-02 BAPI Correction for handling of data type XSTRING in export structures
2.6.20 [L] 2015-11-10 BW Cube Added new property MDXVariable to provide a SSIS variable’s name to store the MDX command in (for customers who want to create their own logging)
2.6.19 [L] 2015-11-03 General Test connection button was not working correctly when using NW libraries
2.6.18 [L] 2015-10-28 Table Uses better custom functions as default
2.6.17 [L] 2015-09-18 Table Join Updated XtractKernel (TQB)
2.6.16 [L] 2015-09-14 General Added support for RFC Netweaver library in Connection Manager
2.6.15 [L] 2015-09-08 DeltaQ Increased performance of dispatcher service
2.6.14 [L] 2015-09-07 Report Fixed bug in report lookup form
2.6.13 [L] 2015-08-10 Table Join Updated table join designer.
2.6.12 [L] 2015-07-31 DeltaQ DeltaQ preview functionality is deactivated as it sometimes lead to excessive generation of background jobs when used not responsibly especially with large extractions.
2.6.11 [L] 2015-07-28 General Updated support client to 10.0.43879.0
2.6.10 [L] 2015-07-22 Table Fixed bug in table lookup form
2.6.9 [L] 2015-07-18 Table Join Updated TQB for Table Join component.
2.6.8 [L] 2015-07-17 DeltaQ Fix for the edit selection link. It appeared sometimes even no selection is allowed according to SAP’s metadata.
2.6.7 [L] 2015-07-16 Table Join Fixed minor bugs.
2.6.6 [L] 2015-07-15 Table Join Added support to auto-join new tables in Table Join component.
2.6.5 [L] 2015-07-15 Table Join Added support to sort table fields by name in Table Join component.
2.6.4 [L] 2015-07-14 Table Join Added support for variables in Table Join component
2.6.1 [L] 2015-06-29 Table Join Added new Table Join source
2.5.27 [L] 2015-06-09 DeltaQ Big fix for decimal conversion which produced NULL values under certain circumstances.
2.5.26 [L] 2015-06-09 DeltaQ Improved warning message when using the preview button.
2.5.25 [L] 2015-05-22 DeltaQ Fix for NULL entries in Request Log under certain circumstances
2.5.24 [M] 2015-04-28 Setup Fix with ERPConnect library
2.5.23 [L] 2015-04-27 DeltaQ Fixes in dispatcher with invalid special characters and swap files
2.5.22 [L] 2015-04-09 DeltaQ Fixed performance issues with dispatcher service
2.5.21 [L] 2015-03-30 DeltaQ Added support for multiple Dispatcher Service instances
2.5.20 [L] 2015-03-30 DeltaQ Improved memory handling for Dispatcher Service
2.5.19 [L] 2015-03-18 BW Cube Activation for filter functionality in OLAP mode
2.5.18 [L] 2015-03-10 BW Cube BEX mode variables now work also with multiple SSIS variables by using the delimiter
2.5.17 [L] 2015-01-22 BW Cube Added new feature “Automatic Slicing” which can be switched on in Settings dialog.
2.5.16 [L] 2015-01-21 Query Correction for handling data types Integer and Decimal correctly (where converted to String accidently in rare cases)
2.5.15 [L] 2015-01-16 DeltaQ Correction for crashing DeltaQDispatcher Service (e.g. 0MATERIAL_TEXT)
2.5.14 [L] 2015-01-16 DeltaQ Correction for crashing DeltaQDispatcher Service (e.g. 0MATERIAL_TEXT)
2.5.13 [L] 2014-12-19 DeltaQ Bug fix for using Selection Set variables with DeltaQ Premium Edition
2.5.11 [L] 2014-12-18 Report Fix for crashing value help when looking up a report while the custom function module in SAP is missing or not remote enabled
2.5.10 [L] 2014-11-26 General Fixed URL for BW Cube help button
2.5.9 [L] 2014-11-11 BW Cube Query View SSIS variable applies to preview mode as well as to regular execution
2.5.8 [L] 2014-11-10 BW Cube Query Views can be set through an SSIS variable now
2.5.7 [L] 2014-10-07 DeltaQ Correction for missing “Init without data”
2.5.6 [L] 2014-09-29 BW Loader Max. number of threads increased from 10 to 64
2.5.5 [L] 2014-08-26 Table Better handling for automatic date conversion for dates between 9999-01-01 and 9999-12-31
2.5.4 [L] 2014-08-05 General Updated address in product info
2.5.3 [L] 2014-07-23 Report Maximum value of Skip Rows attribute increased from 35 to 50
2.5.2 [L] 2014-06-18 DeltaQ Correction for decimal fields with NULL when using automatic data type conversion
2.5.1 [L] 2014-04-10 Conversion Preparer Conversion Preparer now supports SSIS 2014
2.5.0 [L] 2014-04-08 Setup Xtract IS released for SQL Server 2014 RTM
2.4.11 [L] 2014-04-01 Report Fix when using a variable to fill InternalXML property of Report component
2.4.10 [L] 2014-03-26 DeltaQ Fix when using a variable to fill InternalXML property
2.4.9 [L] 2014-03-11 DeltaQ Correction for date to int conversion in case of emtpy date
2.4.8 [L] 2014-03-10 DeltaQ New feature in premium version: Convert date columns to integer
2.4.7 [L] 2014-02-25 General Renamed “Encrypt Password” to “Obfuscate Password”
2.4.5 [L] 2014-02-23 OHS Time out setting can be set through SSIS variable
2.4.4 [L] 2014-01-29 General Fix for setup for SQL Server 2014 and Visual Studio 2012
2.4.3 [L] 2014-01-07 General Corrected the links to the OnlineHelp
2.4.2 [L] 2013-10-28 DeltaQ Correction for automatic date conversion for dates between 9999-01-01 and 9999-12-31. These dates are now not consolidated to 9999-12-31 anymore.
2.4.1 [L] 2013-10-24 Conversion Preparer Fix for multi-line XML nodes
2.4.0 [L] 2013-10-23 General Pre-release for SQL Server 2014 CTP 2
2.3.47 [L] 2013-10-05 BW Cube Fix for variable problems under BEX mode on certain BW release above rel. 7.01
2.3.46 [L] 2013-09-30 BW Cube Correction for multiple measures with the same name when using caption for pipeline element name
2.3.45 [L] 2013-09-12 BW Cube Added support for pure MDX execution
2.3.44 [L] 2013-09-02 General Added memory information for Dispatcher Service
2.3.43 [L] 2013-08-15 Report Fix for batch timeout when previewing the report
2.3.42 [L] 2013-07-15 BW Cube Using Query Views is now supported (Beta state)
2.3.41 [L] 2013-06-26 DeltaQ RequestID can be now be set through a SSIS variable
2.3.40 [L] 2013-06-26 Table Settings Max Rows, Package Size and Custom Function can be set now through SSIS variables
2.3.39 [L] 2013-06-26 Table Support for OHS table extraction is withdrawn. Please use Compression instead (which is faster anyway)
2.3.38 [L] 2013-06-17 Report New setting Report Width introduced in case there’s more than one report line per data line
2.3.37 [L] 2013-05-24 General Fix for SNC settings which contain spaces
2.3.36 [L] 2013-05-14 General Setting LogDir activates RFC tracing now
2.3.35 [L] 2013-04-25 BINotificationServer BINotificationServer binaries are not signed anymore due to timeout issues with Windows server manager
2.3.34 [L] 2013-04-23 Security SNC authentification available in connection manager
2.3.33 [L] 2013-04-19 DeltaQ Fix for AccessViolationException in certain environments when heavy parallelism is involved
2.3.32 [L] 2013-03-17 Table New setting “Use field exits” added
2.3.31 [L] 2013-03-07 DeltaQ Improvement for automatic date conversion: Empty dates are now converted into NULL with error message
2.3.30 [L] 2013-03-05 General Added help buttons to all main dialogs and preferences dialogs
2.3.29 [L] 2013-01-31 Table Bugfix for table fields with RAW(1) as in table TSTC
2.3.28 [L] 2013-01-31 BAPI Bug fix for export params with data type Byte[] that are sent to the pipe
2.3.27 [L] 2013-01-18 BAPI Fix for wrong conversion from RAW export parameters to String SSIS variables
2.3.26 [L] 2012-12-20 General Bugfix and improved logging DeltaQ Dispatcher Service
2.3.25 [L] 2012-12-18 General Correction for OutOfMemory exception in certain SAP environments
2.3.24 [L] 2012-12-11 Report Report selections are now supporting semicolon separated multiple values
2.3.23 [L] 2012-12-04 DeltaQ Fix: Dialog for request maintenance didn’t work properly when logical system was set through a SSIS variable
2.3.22 [L] 2012-12-03 DeltaQ Small Bugfix for customers who want to migrate from very old versions to the latest version with their existing packages (message: Wrong input string format)
2.3.21 [L] 2012-11-19 General New TeamViewer version for remote support
2.3.20 [L] 2012-11-16 Query Bugfix for using variants through variables
2.3.19 [L] 2012-11-11 OHS Improved data type conversion (especially data type X (Integer) and F (Float))
2.3.18 [L] 2012-11-08 Table Bug fix for very large double precision floating point columns
2.3.17 [L] 2012-10-22 Query Improved preview function
2.3.16 [M] 2012-10-10 Table Bug fix for wrong data type conversion
2.3.15 [L] 2012-09-28 Table Fix for tables with emtpy column descriptions (since
2.3.14 [L] 2012-09-24 Table Correction in function module Z_XTRACT_IS_TABLE_COMPRESSION for timestamp/decimal columns
2.3.13 [L] 2012-09-22 Report Batch job name can be set through a SSIS variable
2.3.12 [L] 2012-09-18 BW Loader BW Loader is now released for BW 7.3
2.3.11 [L] 2012-09-10 Hierarchy Added legacy extraction mode for backward-compatibility
2.3.10 [L] 2012-09-10 DeltaQ New feature was added in the settings dialog to enable two additional columns in DeltaQ output: DataPackageID and RowCounter. These columns can be used for serialization purpose
2.3.9 [L] 2012-08-13 Table Correction for metadata support for FLOAT data types (which were accidently converted to STRING in SSIS)
2.3.8 [L] 2012-07-02 General New help access available for Connection Manager and Table component
2.3.7 [L] 2012-06-18 BW Cube Correction for misplaced decimal separator in BEX mode under SSIS 2008
2.3.6 [L] 2012-06-12 DeltaQ OLTP timestamp can be set through a variable
2.3.5 [L] 2012-06-04 BW Cube Bugfix: Variables are no substituted correctly when previewing the query in BEX mode
2.3.4 [L] 2012-05-03 Table Correction for negative numbers in currency conversion fields ( e.g. table VBRK with field KURRF)
2.3.3 [L] 2012-04-18 Conversion Preparer Xtract IS XML nodes with multiple lines are supported now
2.3.2 [L] 2012-04-18 Table Correction for type conversion for table columns with type INT1
2.3.1 [L] 2012-04-09 BAPI Correction for Thai codepages in SSIS
2.3.0 [L] 2012-04-01 BW Cube BEX extraction option is available in the settings dialog
2.2.53 [L] 2012-03-21 Table Correction for length of DATS fields (corrected from 10 to 8 characters)
2.2.52 [L] 2012-03-19 Query Correction for long text fields (error DoesNotFitBufferException)
2.2.51 [L] 2012-02-23 Conversion Preparer Conversion preparer now supports SSIS 2012
2.2.50 [L] 2012-02-08 General Product version number and kernel version number are printed to the log output….
2.2.49 [L] 2012-01-18 DeltaQ Bug fix for automatic synchronisation under certain releases
2.2.48 [L] 2012-01-18 Report Report name can be set dynamically through a variable (place @ before report to indentify variable)
2.2.47 [L] 2012-01-17 Table New compression feature is released for public beta test
2.2.46 [L] 2012-01-11 DeltaQ Bug fix for missing bytes in columns of type Floating Point
2.2.45 [M] 2012-01-10 DeltaQ DeltaQ performance improvement
2.2.43 [L] 2012-01-04 Table Fix for tables with RAW data types like SXMSPFADDRESS
2.2.42 [L] 2011-12-27 Table Fix for AccessViolationException within certain system constellations
2.2.41 [L] 2011-12-17 General Release for usage under SQL Server 2012 RC0. (SQL Server Denali CTP3 is not supported anymore)
2.2.40 [L] 2011-12-14 BAPI Fix for strange error message that was popping up when filling BAPI static table cells with empty values and pushing the preview button
2.2.39 [L] 2011-12-06 DeltaQ Corection for special hierarchy 0REOBJECT_HIER (error message unkown segment)
2.2.38 [L] 2011-11-26 Table Fix for setup routine under SQL Server 2012 Denali on 64 bit os
2.2.36 [L] 2011-11-23 DeltaQ Correction for tRFC based data sources with a length of exact 1000 bytes
2.2.35 [L] 2011-10-31 DeltaQ Added substitution date to the settings to replace bad date values during automatic date conversion
2.2.34 [L] 2011-10-31 DeltaQ Added Hierarchy Version to the settings dialog
2.2.33 [L] 2011-10-25 BW Cube Fix for Carriage Return values within a measure’s caption when using the setting ‘Use Caption for Pipeline’
2.2.32 [L] 2011-10-21 Report Added pattern for detection of report header during autmatic column detection
2.2.31 [L] 2011-10-17 BW Cube Support for new OLAP BAPIs (see SAP note 1232751). The feature can be switched on in the settings dialog.
2.2.30 [L] 2011-10-14 Hierarchy Fix for DateFrom / DateTo columns
2.2.27 [M] 2011-09-15 Report Additional setting available to ignore ABAP exceptions within the report
2.2.26 [L] 2011-09-14 BAPI Fix for problem with buffer, when the export params are sent to a pipeline that is followed by a Derived Column item
2.2.25 [M] 2011-08-23 BINotificationServer BAPI_BW_FUNCTION_EXISTS now implemented
2.2.24 [M] 2011-08-23 BW Cube Additional setting for putting the units of the measures into the resultset
2.2.23 [L] 2011-08-16 Report Fix for incorrect Timeout setting
2.2.22 [L] 2011-08-08 General Kernel version
2.2.21 [L] 2011-08-04 General Kernel version
2.2.20 [L] 2011-08-03 Setup Added missing XtractLoadLicense.dll
2.2.19 [L] 2011-08-02 Setup Added support for setting installation directory for silent install
2.2.18 [L] 2011-08-02 BAPI Fix for RAW datatype in tables
2.2.17 [L] 2011-07-28 License Manager Added support for silent license installation
2.2.16 [L] 2011-07-20 Table Fix for table look up dialog for tables which description text is not available in the logon language
2.2.15 [L] 2011-07-19 General Bugfix for Greek characters (codepage 0700)
2.2.14 [L] 2011-07-17 General Support for SQL Server Denali CTP3
2.2.13 [L] 2011-07-07 DeltaQ Look up dialog works well in any language, not only in the language in which the source was created
2.2.12 [L] 2011-06-21 General Bugfix for Excel documentation generation
2.2.11 [L] 2011-06-14 DeltaQ Bugfix when filling the RequestID for a Repair run through a variable
2.2.10 [L] 2011-06-14 Table It’s possible now to substitute an invalid SAP data with a given date automatically
2.2.9 [L] 2011-06-02 Setup Improvements for several environments
2.2.8 [L] 2011-05-16 Table Improvement for date values, that have not a 19 or 20 prefix in the year (e.g. 12 is converted to 2012 automatically)
2.2.7 [L] 2011-05-05 General Bugfix for accounts with user name containing the characters LANG
2.2.6 [L] 2011-04-13 DeltaQ Excel Documentation for meta data available
2.2.5 [L] 2011-03-22 DeltaQ Date in automatic type conversion is now converted into DT_DBTIMESTAMP
2.2.4 [L] 2011-03-11 General Fix for Greek non-Unicode source systems
2.2.3 [M] 2011-02-25 Table Automatic date conversion available
2.2.2 [L] 2011-01-17 DeltaQ Bugfix for transfers with unicode double byte characters, where RFC destination is set to Unicode
2.2.1 [L] 2011-01-11 DeltaQ Bugfix for RequestIDs that are provided within a variable for non-Repair-Requests
2.2.0 [L] 2010-12-30 General First Preparations for new SQL Server 2011, code-named Denali in setup procedure
2.1.24 [M] 2010-12-28 DeltaQ Additional Maintenance dialog for deleting init requests available through settings dialog
2.1.23 [L] 2010-12-27 DeltaQ Additional dynamisation options available in Premium Edition
2.1.22 [L] 2010-12-16 Hierarchy Fix for variable substitution for hierarchy version and hierarchy name
2.1.21 [M] 2010-12-14 DeltaQ Automatic type conversion now available in settings
2.1.20 [L] 2010-12-06 Report Maximum number of rows to be skipped increased from 25 to 35
2.1.19 [M] 2010-11-27 BAPI Fix for table columns type FLOAT. The data type was not mapped correctly
2.1.18 [M] 2010-10-08 DeltaQ Correction for
2.1.17 [M] 2010-10-05 DeltaQ Timeouts during the resending of tRFC errors don’t lead to an SSIS exception anymore
2.1.16 [L] 2010-09-16 DeltaQ Internal Revision
2.1.15 [L] 2010-09-02 General Internal Revision
2.1.14 [L] 2010-08-24 General Bugfix for Hebrew and Thai characters in non-unicode SAP systems
2.1.13 [M] 2010-08-16 DeltaQ Improved Debug Details: tRFC commits/rollbacks are also shown when switched on
2.1.12 [M] 2010-08-11 DeltaQ Bugfix: Activation crashed when using OLTP sources with a namespace in the source’s name (e.g. /XXX/YYYY)
2.1.11 [M] 2010-08-07 BAPI Bugfix for usage of variables in static tables
2.1.10 [L] 2010-07-23 DeltaQ Correction for component behavior in case of lost Info IDocs
2.1.9 [L] 2010-07-23 DeltaQ Bugfix: Automatic activation leads to an error, when activation was already done under another client
2.1.8 [L] 2010-07-15 DeltaQ Wrong fields lengths in DeltaQ metadata which might lead to column shifting is now repaired automatically during extraction
2.1.7 [L] 2010-07-07 DeltaQ RSINFO Idocs with status 02 are detected and resent automatically….
2.1.6 [M] 2010-07-05 DeltaQ Auto Synchronsiation will now activate the data source if it is not activated yet
2.1.5 [M] 2010-06-24 DeltaQ Improved Timestamp detection
2.1.4 [M] 2010-06-22 DeltaQ Auto Synchronsiation was added to get the time stamp of a Data Source on a generic basis
2.1.3 [M] 2010-06-14 BAPI Fix for connection loss when using BAPIs within a SSIS loop with no outbound, but only inbound tables
2.1.1 [L] 2010-05-04 DeltaQ Hierarchy Name and Hierarchy Class can be filled via variable
2.1.0 [L] 2010-05-04 DeltaQ Update mode S for Delta Init without data transfer
2.0.12 [L] 2010-04-27 DeltaQ Fix for LookUp dialog for RFC destinations
2.0.11 [M] 2010-03-19 BAPI Additional option available to suppress ABAP exceptions to lead to an SSIS exception
2.0.10 [L] 2010-03-13 General Improved error message if no or a corrupt version of librfc32.dll resides on the system
2.0.9 [M] 2010-03-02 DeltaQ Two new fields added for Hierarchy extractions: Leaf From/To
2.0.8 [L] 2010-02-08 BW Cube Bugfix for measures, that contain a NULL value (not 0 but NULL)
2.0.7 [M] 2010-01-26 DeltaQ Output columns sometimes where mixed up when component instances where copied within the data flow without re-selecting the OLTP source in the dialog
2.0.6 [M] 2010-01-26 General NULLIn the Connection Manager Additions it is possible now to apply another table read BAPI than RFC_READ_TABLE (for customers who don’t allow RFC_READ_TABLE due to security policy)
2.0.5 [L] 2010-01-20 Table new setting Buffer Location for customers who want to buffer their data snapshots in files and not in table ZXTRACTBUFFER
2.0.4 [M] 2010-01-11 BAPI Bugfix for BAPIs without any tables while using the setting ‘Send Exports to Pipeline’. No doubled entries anymore
2.0.3 [M] 2010-01-04 BW Cube SSIS Variables where not resolved properly in the High Value field of complex BW Cube variables
2.0.2 [M] 2010-01-03 DeltaQ Additional setting available to surpress resending of tRFC errors. This feature might be used by customers to avoid the ARFC-Jobs that are created automatically during communication failure.
1.0.88 [L] 2009-12-14 Query Fix for exception that was thrown when setting an obligatory parameter through a variant
1.0.87 [L] 2009-10-28 OHS Variables for GatewayHost, GatewayService and ProgramID are now supported
1.0.86 [L] 2009-10-28 DeltaQ Improvement for table columns with width greater than 4000
1.0.85 [L] 2009-10-28 DeltaQ Additional setting for sending scalar export params to a data flow pipeline
1.0.84 [L] 2009-10-15 BAPI Fix for MetaData Refresh. Variables were not refreshed correctly
1.0.83 [L] 2009-10-15 DeltaQ Fix for crash when NOT using the RequestLog pipeline under 64-Bit SQLAgent
1.0.82 [L] 2009-10-13 DeltaQ Added a couple of missing authority objects to customizing check
1.0.81 [L] 2009-10-12 DeltaQ Variables for GatewayHost, GatewayService and ProgramID are now supported
1.0.80 [L] 2009-10-12 BAPI Additional setting for sending scalar export params to a data flow pipeline
1.0.79 [L] 2009-10-09 BW Cube Fix for MetaData Refresh. Variables were not refreshed correctly
1.0.78 [L] 2009-10-08 OHS Improved Customizing Check for EDI Inbound / Outbound parameters
1.0.77 [L] 2009-10-08 DeltaQ Synchronous state check possible for Request IDoc
1.0.76 [L] 2009-09-29 Table Improvement for table columns with width greater than 4000
1.0.75 [L] 2009-09-29 Query Variables for GatewayHost, GatewayService and ProgramID are now supported
1.0.74 [L] 2009-09-22 BAPI Metadata Refresh feature added
1.0.73 [L] 2009-09-21 DeltaQ Improved memory management for tRFC data transfers
1.0.72 [L] 2009-09-14 BAPI Fix for values with type RAW in BAPI tables
1.0.71 [L] 2009-09-10 BW Cube MetaData Refresh did not work under some BW releases
1.0.70 [L] 2009-08-27 DeltaQ Improved activation procedure for sources which are wider
1.0.69 [L] 2009-08-23 DeltaQ Improved Customizing Check
1.0.68 [L] 2009-08-19 DeltaQ Improvement for variable handling (Pipes in variable values generate multiple lines in range table)
1.0.67 [L] 2009-08-10 Table Fix for multiple, parallel table extractions in background (better management for timestamps
1.0.66 [L] 2009-07-28 Table Fix for columns that contain RAW data (e.g. when using GUID-columns)
1.0.65 [L] 2009-06-08 BW Cube Improved debugging when “Debug Details” is switched on in settings
1.0.64 [L] 2009-05-20 BW Cube Multiple values in one variable are supported now.The values must be separated by a delimiter.
1.0.63 [L] 2009-05-15 DeltaQ More test pings implemented for the DeltaQ server pool (for slow network connections)
1.0.62 [L] 2009-04-19 Table New extension to enable mixed single-byte / multi-byte extractions from non-Unicode systems
1.0.61 [L] 2009-04-07 Report Automatic column detection for reports based on ALV Grid
1.0.60 [L] 2009-04-03 OHS Fix for uncomplete packets when using the component with Mode E under BI 7.1
1.0.59 [L] 2009-04-02 DeltaQ Improved authority / customizing check for Rel. 4.7
1.0.58 [L] 2009-03-31 DeltaQ Fix for crash when using more than one DeltaQ instance with the same
1.0.57 [L] 2009-03-30 BW Loader Parallel Package preparation und sending supported to improve performance
1.0.56 [L] 2009-03-27 DeltaQ tRFC transfer option officially activated. This can be used to improve
1.0.55 [L] 2009-03-23 OHS Preview left the RFC Server connection open in case of errors during extraction
1.0.54 [L] 2009-03-23 OHS OHS preview left the RFC Server connection open in case of errors during extraction
1.0.53 [L] 2009-03-10 DeltaQ Checks for all authority objects are included in customizing check
1.0.52 [L] 2009-03-02 Query Preview crashed when displaying more than 650 columns
1.0.51 [L] 2009-02-24 OHS Additional button for manual RFC server check in Customizing Check Dialog
1.0.50 [L] 2009-02-23 OHS Customizing check added to check RFC server / Gateway settings without executing an OHS extraction….
1.0.49 [L] 2009-02-22 Table Fix for data loss when table component is used in parallel DataFlows together
1.0.48 [L] 2009-02-03 Table INT4 columns on very old SAP system caused a crash due to hexadecimal formatting
1.0.47 [L] 2009-01-31 BW Cube Fix for crash when an InfoObject of a cube contains an & sign in the name of its hierarchy
1.0.46 [L] 2009-01-22 DeltaQ New transfer method tRFC released for beta use
1.0.45 [L] 2009-01-22 DeltaQ Fix for timestamp issue. Sometimes the timestamp was not updated when moving a DeltaQ instance from one SAP system to another
1.0.44 [L] 2009-01-19 Table Warning message in Xtract IS Table appears when field MANDT is used in WHERE clause
1.0.43 [L] 2009-01-14 General Conversion Preparer added to Xtract Suite for converting VS2005 package to VS2008
1.0.42 [L] 2009-01-07 DeltaQ Bugfix for DeltaQ: Sometimes data was shifted between columns when adding additional columns
1.0.41 [L] 2009-01-05 DeltaQ Asynchronous, non-blocking preview function for DeltaQ
1.0.40 [L] 2009-01-02 DeltaQ Improvement for request idocs generation with DeltaQ (UNKNOWN_OBJECT exception),
1.0.39 [L] 2008-12-30 DeltaQ Metadata synchronisation check added to DeltaQ to make sure, that non-activated metadata
1.0.38 [L] 2008-12-30 Query Fix for query with negative integer values
1.0.37 [L] 2008-12-19 Table Asynchronous table extraction job added to Xtract IS table (see manual for details)
1.0.36 [L] 2008-12-08 DeltaQ Fix: Under certain circumstances variables within a DeltaQ selection
1.0.35 [L] 2008-12-08 DeltaQ Timeout message with DeltaQ processes, that are processed extremely fast by SAP
1.0.34 [L] 2008-12-07 BW Loader Fix for hierarchy upload with BW Loader under BI 7.0
1.0.33 [L] 2008-12-05 Query Fix: Xtract IS Query crashed in preview with queries with more than one list ID
1.0.32 [L] 2008-12-05 DeltaQ Fix: In some situations DeltaQ fetched the wrong timestamp from SAP
1.0.31 [L] 2008-11-28 BAPI Fix: SSIS Variables in BAPI output structures crashed with source type BCD
1.0.30 [L] 2008-11-25 BW Cube Meta Data Refresh für BW Cube is activated for BETA test
1.0.29 [L] 2008-11-23 BW Cube It is now possible, to drag and drop properties from different dimensions into the resultset
1.0.28 [L] 2008-11-23 BW Cube BWCube: It is now possible, to drag and drop properties from different dimensions into the resultset which are based on the same InfoObject (this was refused in the past)
1.0.27 [L] 2008-11-18 BW Loader Fix: BW Loader crashed with exception when trying to upload an empty resultset
1.0.26 [L] 2008-11-15 General Version history added to Xtract IS Component Suite
1.0.25 [L] 2008-09-15 BW Cube Support for Multiple Single Values added
1.0.24 [L] 2008-09-02 BW Loader Dynamic properties with variables for flexible configuration
1.0.23 [L] 2008-08-10 BW Loader Improved asynchronous Preview function
1.0.22 [L] 2008-08-02 OHS Improved asynchronous Preview function
1.0.21 [L] 2008-07-15 BW Loader BugFix: Data flow with BW Loader component together with
1.0.20 [L] 2008-06-25 BW Loader The tool BI Notification Receiver is shipped with Xtract IS
1.0.19 [L] 2008-04-24 OHS One-Byte-Shift in resultset (not on all systems, only some patch levels)
1.0.18 [L] 2008-03-13 DeltaQ Short dump caused by DeltaQ in rel. 4.6C is now fixed
1.0.17 [L] 2008-02-22 DeltaQ The extraction mode (Delta, Full…) can now be set dynamically with a variable
1.0.16 [L] 2008-02-02 General The LogDir property is available in connection manager which enables
1.0.15 [L] 2008-01-15 DeltaQ IDocs that are hanging in tRFC layer because of package crash,
1.0.14 [L] 2007-12-12 General Fix in connection manager when using Load Balancing with a group name with blanks
1.0.13 [L] 2007-10-25 Table Correction in ABAP code of Z_XTRACT_IS_TABLE function module
1.0.12 [L] 2007-09-11 General Installation routine improved for SQL Server 2008 on 64 bit
1.0.11 [L] 2007-08-31 BW Cube Packaging is available for Queries with up to 1 mio rows
1.0.10 [L] 2007-08-05 General Xtract IS will work on SQL Server 2008
1.0.9 [L] 2007-07-26 Table Bug fix for Primary Key Packaging when extracting tables with
1.0.8 [L] 2007-07-19 Table Search in table description texts when looking up a table is now possible
1.0.7 [L] 2007-07-16 OHS BI 7.0 information (OHS Destination handling) added to English manual
1.0.6 [L] 2007-07-13 BW Loader Cube creation rejected when there are no source columns available
1.0.5 [L] 2007-07-10 General Description texts are shown in look up dialog / Transfer type is
1.0.4 [L] 2007-07-10 General Meta data of input pipeline is refreshed each time the editor is opened
1.0.3 [L] 2007-07-10 BW Loader Metadata checked right before upload. Upload rejected when metadata
1.0.2 [L] 2007-07-01 Table Primary key packaging is now available. please note that the code of the
1.0.1 [L] 2007-06-21 Table Fix: Table component crashed on 64 bit windows when using package sizes greater
1.0.0 [L] 2007-06-03 BW Cube Value help when using variables