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This sample shows how to use the BAPI BAPI_BARCODE_SENDLIST to send a list of barcodes to SAP.
BAPI_BARCODE_SENDLIST is part of the ArchiveLink BAPI.


The following sample code sends a list of barcodes to SAP:

using System;
using ERPConnect;
using ERPConnect.Utils;

// Set your ERPConnect license

// Open the connection to SAP
using var connection = new R3Connection(
    host: "server.acme.org",
    systemNumber: 00,
    userName: "user",
    password: "passwd",
    language: "EN",
    client: "001")
    Protocol = ClientProtocol.NWRFC,

// create the function
RFCFunction barfunc = connection.CreateFunction("BAPI_BARCODE_SENDLIST");
// Create and fill the frist row
RFCStructure row = barfunc.Tables["BARCODETABLE"].AddRow();
row["BARCODE"] = "4711"; 
row["CONTREP"] = "Content Repository"; 
row["DOCID"] = "0045935682"; 
row["ARDATE"] = "20070701"; 
row["DOCTYPE"] = "ZTA";
// Create and fill the second row
row = barfunc.Tables["BARCODETABLE"].AddRow();
row["BARCODE"] = "4713";
row["CONTREP"] = "Content Repository";
row["DOCID"] = "0045935683";
row["ARDATE"] = "20070702";
row["DOCTYPE"] = "ZTA"; 
// Execute the function
// process return structure
RFCStructure ret = barfunc.Imports["RETURN"].ToStructure();
if (ret["TYPE"].ToString().Equals(""))
    Console.WriteLine("No error reported");
    Console.WriteLine("Message: " + ret["MESSAGE"]);
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to exit");